New online writing(with)plant sessions: pUMPKIN, GINGER & CINNAMON

And we are back. After some live experiments in Belgium, we will organize few online circles in the upcoming dark months we organise two new artivist online circles where we foreground a plant or two.

We had 3-4 online sessions last spring. This is a brave space for sharing, deep listening, for different knowledge systems and backgrounds, and for creating something after all this pollination.

During the International Forest therapy days, early June, we did a session with dandelion and had around 15 participants. But there was a session where nobody showed up. Maybe it was bad timing, maybe the theme, maybe the plant. We do not know. However, we organize these sessions also for ourselves and we do not take it personally when people join only once or do not join at all. Sometimes people return, after we have not seen them for a couple of sessions.

It is an open door space. You do not have to register beforehand. You can ask the zoom link to me or my two buddies Vitalija or Sugir, or find them here.

Capitalist (or generous?) pumpkin?

Last year, during one of the previous online writing(with plant circles, someone shared a garden observation how capitalist and imperialist pumpkins are. If you do not curb them; they would take over the whole land.

Is this natural? Or is there something wrong with these pumpkins? Are all pumpkins like this?

I am not going to say that pumpkins are evil 😅. But did you ever did this uncomfortable exercise to imagine why some beings are so imperialist?

Are pumpkins capitalist? Or generous? Maybe we should not even project human ideas like imperialism on pumpkins.

I have no idea what will be the fruits of this circle. But this will be uncomfortable, and that is ok.

We will create a brave space for 2 hours for sharing stories, memories and science about pumpkins and also sharing your emotions about all the imperialist destruction that we witness.

We will end again with a creative writing invitation where we shapeshift into … the imperialist pumpkin.

We will see what this artivist circle will bring 💁‍♀️

Thursday November 23, 14.00-16.00

Online session #10 might be cosy with all these soulwarming plants. For December, we decided to have something more festive and cosy, and invite some plant that participates in our Saint Lucia or Christmas table menus? Like cinnamon  or ginger. Some comforting sweets? However, these plants come with a colonial background, and we will create a brave space if we see some decolonisation is required in our story sharing.

Thursday December 7th – 14.00-16.00