Why Voeren (Flanders) is ideal for spending christmas there: a dive into landscape and germanic mythic imagination

Last Christmas holidays were spend in Belgium with my parents. We decided to have a walking holidays in Voeren, a hidden gem between the Netherlands, Flanders and Walloon. This region is steeped in history and cultural heritage. It has rolling hills, tranquil rivers, and apparently also nice stories.

The Twelve Nights in Germanic Tradition

Th “Twelve Nights” is a Germanic tradition highlighting the period between the Winter Solstice and the start of the New Year. It’s a time when the veil between our world and the otherworld is thinnest, allowing for an easier passage between the realms.

Last winter, I was grateful that my parents listened to my wish to plan the period between Christmas and New Year in this region, full of walks. 2022 was an overwhelming year with both successes but also disappointments. I was also exhausted. It was raining and gloomy, but maybe I needed that. To let some things peel away from me.

Mistletoe: A Symbol of Renewal and Connection

Everywhere in Voeren during Christmas, you’ll see mistletoe hanging.

Weavers, Wells, and Diana: The Legacy of the Goddess

Ancient wells in Voeren are said to be touched by the goddess Diana herself. Local legends speak of Diana, the goddess of hunting, transforming her spear into a wellspring to save a dying deer. This act of compassion and connection to nature resonates even today when you visit the famed Voer spring. The shimmering surface of the water seems to take the shape of a deer’s antlers, echoing Diana’s ancient act.

Eating Boar, Associated with Freyr and the Wild Hunt

One of these evenings, I ate boar. The boar is a sacred animal associated with Freyr, the Norse god of fertility and prosperity. Perhaps, I imagined, also echoes of the wild hunt, a mythical chase led by various gods and heroes across the winter sky.

The Land and its Creatures: The Badger’s Tale

Voeren is not just about its human residents. Here, badgers reign supreme. The lush landscape, with its kalk-en mergel grounds, provides an ideal home for these creatures. These badgers, with their incredible hearing and sense of smell, add to the mystique of the land and let you imagine what underground living means. In the end, the twelve nights is all about darkness or being in the womb.

And if you venture to local tourism offices, you’ll find relics that pay homage to these animals:

Uncovering Symbols Amidst the Landscape

The more I immersed myself in this enchanting land during the 5 days leading up to New Year’s Eve, the more I recognized the symbols hidden in plain sight. From the mischievous gnomes to the nymph Echo’s lamentations resonating in the valleys, the myths and legends come alive in every nook and corner of Voeren.

In the darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere, it is easy to find connection between landscape, and mythology. The land of Voeren, with its misty meadows and moody skies, was full of traces and whispers of the past, of goddesses and mythical creatures.

So, if you’re searching for a Christmas destination that’s a blend of breathtaking landscapes and rich mythic imagination, Voeren awaits. Whether it’s a kiss under the mistletoe or a walk through the echoing valleys, Voeren promises a timeless experience.

Let me know if you visited Voeren and also found some traces, tracks and trails that sparked your mythic imagination.